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-HOST an Awareness WalK-

Group of people walking for a cause.

Walkers make their way around the Greene County Recreation Park for the first ever Community Diabetes Walk.

Greene County Diabetes Walk

Snow Hill, NC

Greene County

Greene County held an Annual Community Diabetes Awareness Walk to raise awareness of the dangers of diabetes and promote active living. A walk promoting awareness of senior citizen abuse held earlier in the year inspired the event. Despite a cold and rainy kickoff, more than 50 participants showed up to partake in the mile-long walk in Snow Hill.


Participants gathered at the Greene County Recreation Park to sign in and begin the walk. The Recreation Park has a sidewalk wrapping around the facility in a big loop, measuring half a mile. Walkers took two laps around the facility to walk a mile, going at their own pace. Volunteers passed out water along the way and were posted at the halfway point to encourage walkers.


For some participants, it was the first time they had known or

used this safe walking trail in their community. The walk ended at the Elaney Wood Heritage Farmer’s Market adjacent to the Recreation Park where a healthy lunch was served and door prizes were awarded.

The Greene County Extension Office tapped community resources like the Recreation Park and Farmer’s Market as a site for their diabetes walk. Look to partner with your community’s health department, Cooperative Extension offices, or diabetes support groups or associations. The paved sidewalks around the Recreation Park facility were perfect for new walkers and easily accessible for participants of all abilities. An awareness walk could take place on a track around a stadium or sports field, a sidewalk through downtown, or through a neighborhood. Anybody planning an awareness walk should keep in mind that the walks do not need to be a long, all-day event. Greene County extended their walk to include an informational lunch-and-learn session that allowed participants to come together and learn. An awareness walk can be as simple as getting a small group together to walk for 30 minutes or as grand as putting on a half-day event.






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