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"Families who did not know each other's names before now do, thanks to the soccer field bringing them together." - Jabe Largen 

Stewart Precythe Soccer Fields 

Faison, NC

What was once a historical piece of land used for a produce market and agricultural regional distribution center was revitalized into the Stewart Precythe Soccer Complex in the town of Faison, NC. The closure of the market had left the land vacant and unused for many years. Jabe Largen of Faison United Methodist Church and other like-minded community members, became inspired to convert it into a community space, as there were no public spaces for children or families to recreate. Now, a beautiful soccer field hosts two soccer leagues and welcomes hundreds of participants and spectators any given weekend. 


This was made possible due to the generous donation of the land from the original owner, Stewart Precythe. Named in his loving memory, the soccer fields were created to “honor the history of the produce market” and to “promote physical activity and foster a better sense of community," according to Jabe Largen.


Using incredible community connections and relationships, everything from the clearing of the land, the fields, and ongoing maintenance was accomplished on a $0 budget--using only local volunteer efforts and in-kind resources. The town now has an operating budget for the soccer program, although most services and finances are covered by community members at no cost. 


As a result, community building between families has flourished. 


  • Engage your community: 

    • Poll adults/families/children - what kinds of healthy opportunities are wanted? What resources already exist?

  • Take a look around you:

    • Note: what are the major assets? Who/where are they? What is not being used? What could be used?

  • Brainstorm:

    • How can available resources be leveraged to meet a community need?


    • Identify key leaders, actors, and contributors within the community

    • Host a forum and open the conversation: how can time, efforts, skills, and resources aid a collective project?



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